Cherry Picker Hire in Sheffield

Are you a Sheffield business owner or contractor seeking a reliable and safe way to work at heights? Look no further than Thermaright’s cherry picker hire services. We understand the unique challenges you face in this bustling city, and our wide range of cherry pickers is designed to meet your specific needs.


Beyond Cherry Pickers: Thermaright’s Full-Service Solutions

In addition to cherry picker hire, Thermaright offers a range of temperature control solutions to keep your business running smoothly. Whether you need emergency equipment, seasonal support, or assistance with planned shutdowns, our team is here to help.

Why Choose Cherry Picker Hire?

Like anywhere else, projects vary is scope in scale in Sheffield. But with a cherry picker, you gain a strategic advantage over those projects. Choosing to hire a cherry picker with Thermaright ensures you have the right tool for the job precisely when you need it.

  • Enhanced Safety: Safety is paramount in any workplace. Our cherry pickers are equipped with state-of-the-art safety features to ensure your team can work confidently and securely.
  • Cost-Effective: Why buy a cherry picker when you only need it occasionally? Our flexible hire options save you money and eliminate the need for storage and maintenance.
  • Versatility: From construction sites to uneven terrain, our cherry pickers adapt to various environments, making them ideal for diverse tasks in and around Sheffield.
  • Efficiency: Get the job done faster and more efficiently than traditional ladders. Our cherry pickers provide a quick and convenient way to reach elevated areas.

When you choose Thermaright for cherry picker hire in Sheffield, you’re not just getting top-quality equipment; you’re gaining a partner committed to your project’s success.

We understand the importance of efficiency, safety, and cost-effectiveness, and our cherry picker solutions are designed to deliver on all fronts. Contact us today to explore how we can elevate your Sheffield projects to new heights.

Contact Us Today

Don’t let working at heights be a challenge. Contact Thermaright on 0800 368 8464 to discuss your cherry picker hire needs in Sheffield. We’ll work with you to find the perfect solution for your project and budget.


Emergency Equipment Failure – we can deliver a bespoke temporary package and connect it quickly to keep your business operating, whilst your existing kit is being repaired and fully tested.

Supplementing Existing Equipment – we can add cooling and heating capacity to your existing system and help optimise production, reduce bottlenecks, N+1 provision or help maintain additional seasonal demand.

Seasonal Demand – with our ever changing climate globally it can be hard to anticipate exactly what you need at a given time. Our flexible temperature control packages are able to support your business 24/7/365

Planned Shutdowns & Outages – a pre-planned approach to delivery of suitable equipment can be managed to help mirror your needs during site maintenance.

New Projects. New Lines – a bespoke package can be delivered to fully meet the needs of your planned R&D, NPD testing and localised process requirements.

No Capital Budget – pay for a short-term hire to keep your business fully operating as well as supporting longer term packages to suit your business.

Fast Reliable Delivery – a fully-tracked and timed service 24 hours a day to suit your individual site requirements. Including flatbed, HIAB and crane-assisted delivery choices.

Installation – from the simplest units to the most complex multi product solutions, our engineering expertise will make sure service is delivered to the highest standard fully accredited to NICEIC, F-Gas & Gas Safe standards

Do You Need A Cherry Picker Hire Quote?

If you require a free, no-obligation quote please complete the form below.