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A whacker plate, also known as a vibrating plate compactor, is an important piece of construction equipment that is primarily used for preparing surfaces before laying down materials such as concrete, paving stones or asphalt. 


A whacker plate will use vibration to send a flat steel plate into the ground, compressing the materials beneath it and getting rid of compacted air to create a denser, more even surface for new materials to be laid upon. 


As with any piece of powerful construction equipment, having the correct knowledge and training is essential before it can be used. Safety equipment is also important- gloves, boots and eye protection are all there to protect against unforeseen mishaps. 


To use it, you might like to follow these steps: 


  1. Put on your safety gear and level the area, ensuring there are no large pieces of debris. Materials (e.g. soil or gravel) should be evenly spread. 
  2. Double check your whacker plate is safe to operate. Oil and fuel levels should be checked, and there should be no signs of damage. Importantly, the whacker plate should never be refueled while the engine is running or hot from recent use. 
  3. Turn on the machine and guide it forwards in overlapping rows. You can adjust the speed for the material type. 
  4. Check the surface after each pass and continue if deeper compaction is needed. 
  5. After you have finished using the whacker plate, turn it off and clean it as needed. 


It is also important to note that petrol or diesel whacker plates are strictly for outdoor use, where there is sufficient ventilation. Electric whacker plates are better suited for indoor use. 


At Thermaright, we have been supplying a wide variety of temporary whacker plate solutions to a wide variety of clients. Our unique range of whacker plates is designed to meet the needs of the hire industry across as many sectors as possible. From petrol and diesel to electric, we always back the latest technologies on the market. 


Contact 0800 368 8464 or fill out our online form to get your instant quote today.