Product Details
AdBlue is a diesel additive which reduces the amount of harmful NOx released in your diesel engine’s fumes. It’s made up of two components called urea and de-ionised water. Urea is simply made up of ammonia and carbon dioxide and is a synthetic chemical.
Vehicles with Euro IV, V, VI (4, 5 and 6) engines are unable to function without AdBlue and it is essential for companies seeking a greener status. It works with diesel engines which have been fitted with an after-treatment system. A process known as SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) removes the harmful NOx emissions from the exhaust gases reducing the effects of global warming and climate change.
Due to the corrosive nature of AdBlue, it’s important to store it in a suitable container to avoid contamination and irreversible damage to your machinery or vehicle’s engine. Its shelf life varies depending on storage conditions; however, keeping it out of direct sunlight and in a cool place comes recommended by IS022241.
The warmer the storage conditions are, the shorter the life expectancy of your AdBlue. At the opposite end of the spectrum, freezing conditions shouldn’t be a problem. If it does freeze, you should be able to use it once it has thawed out.